Tomorrow, Sunday 13th May, I'm going to have an exhibition of photographs of the Harold's Cross area (Mount Jerome cemetery, canal, etc.) at the Harolds.Cross Festival in Harold's Cross park (from 12 to 6). My exhibition will be in the shelter near the children's playground. The programme of events includes lots of children's activities (face-painting, games...), musicians, dancers and street performers, and a free historical tour of Mount Jerome cemetery by Pat Liddy meeting at 12 at the Entrance to Mount Argus Church on Lower Kimmage Road opposite Westfield Road. Hope you can come, it should be lots of fun!
In the photo here, a maypole dancer, from last year's festival. The Maypole dance is done at Harold's cross every year by members of the Drumreilly Active Age Group.
History behind this tradition taken from 'Harolds Cross' by Joe Curtis: The 14th century the Archbishop of Dublin maintained a gallows on the green where criminals were hanged. Later on, a Maypole replaced the gallows and was the centre of much merriment and dancing every may, until the practice ceased around the middle of the 19th century.