Thursday, March 17, 2011

Foggy Dublin on the Redbubble home page!

Foggy Dublin, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.
Very happy that for St Patricks day the people from Redbubble chose this photograph of the Ha'Penny bridge for the homepage!
Here is my photo in Redbubble

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Knicker art

Knickers galore, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.
Found this jewel of a shop front during my trip to Madrid last weekend for my school reunion. If you happen to be in Madrid, go find it, it's on calle Ventura Rodriguez, not far from the Templo de Debob. Buy something in it, we should try and maintain this kind of shops!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bird dive

                                           © 2011 Esther Moliné
I was very happy with this shot I got today at the lake at St Stephen's Green!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


                                                      © 2011 Esther Moliné

                                               © 2011 Esther Moliné

                                                        © 2011 Esther Moliné

I was in Girona (Catalonia, Spain) last week, beautiful place. Here are some photos of the trip, a street in the old district, the Pujada (climb) de Sant Domenec (lots of steps in Girona!), and a view of the river Onyar for the ironwork bridge Pont de les Peixateries Velles (old fishmongers bridge).