Saturday, March 15, 2014

First colour film shots

Smithfield, February 2014. 35mm film (Kodak Portra 400).
I have decided to try colour film and I'm really liking the results. This man was very nice to pose for me at his fruit and veg shop in Smithfield.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A lovely man 1/52

A lovely man 1/52, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.

The very nice owner of Dun Leary's Last Corner Shop posing for me. I went into Dun Laoighre yesterday specially to fill a roll of 35mm black and white film, as part of a project I'm doing called 'Five streets'. I loved this Newsagents and I wanted to buy something, so I got the last issue of the Spanish magazine 'Hola'. I know all there is to know about the Spanish Royal family now...
This photo is also my first of my 1/52 project I'm doing with the Dublin Photowalk group in which I have to take and upload a photo a week for a whole year. I'm also doing the 1/365 one (one photo per day for the whole year)!
Date of photo: 4/1/2014
Camera: Canon 300X with 28mm lens
Film: Kodak Tmax 400
Dev: R09 (10m @1+50)

Red birdies

Red birdies - 4/365, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.
My submission to Street Photography Now Community year 4 Instruction 5:
"Forget faces and expressions for a while. Focus on backs, but keep observing what is happening around too." (Dimitris Makrygiannakis)
Also photo number 4 of my 365 project (Dublin Photowalk 365 Project), in which I have to take a photo everyday for a year, I'm hoping to manage for all of them to be street!

Monday, February 3, 2014


Untitled, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.
My submission to Street Photography Now Community Year 4 Instruction 4:
Let the subject be a symbol or metaphor for something bigger. At the same time, try to keep it subtle."
Caspar Claasen

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First home print done!

First home print done!, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.

Very happy at last I got my darkroom going yesterday and managed to produce a print! Will do more prints soon when I have a few more bits and pieces like a focus finder and a switch timer that will make life a lot easier!

Monday, January 13, 2014

New work in Brick Alley Cafe exhibition

Watching over, originally uploaded by Esther Moliné.
I'm delighted to announce I have a new work on display at my exhibition in the Brick Alley Cafe, Dublin. This photograph of a window reflection was taken in January 2013 in black and white film and was hand printed by myself in the Block T darkroom.